Monday 3 September 2012

There are times I want to scream...

I work with technology all the time.  The machines I use (and sell) are very high tech, I use social media, I digitize and teach others how to digitize.  So I'm pretty good with the old Technical stuff, and that's why I'm so frustrated.  I worked hard to produce the shops newsletter only to have our current website server decide to stop hosting our emails and put the with gmail.  Now we can only send 50 emails before it blocks us for 24 hrs.  Imagine that only 50!  Hell we have thousands of customers waiting for the email!
Why oh why does "business" make it so hard to do business with them?

Thankfully I am nearly finished working with our amazing web guru on the new websites, and that should solve all our email problems.

Meantime, I did some sewing on the weekend.  The first dress I started for the convention is turning out ok, although the style would better suit someone with a size 10 figure.  I've had second thoughts on my fabric choice and are now embroidering some fabric for the dress.  Meantime I have made a test of the second long evening gown, and it looks lovely.  It too is taken from a vintage pattern (1930's) and boy they don't make them like this anymore.  It has a charming line to it, and made even me look elegant.

Looking forward to doing some sewing tomorrow ...

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