Monday 11 February 2013

An Old Dog Can Learn New Tricks

Last week I brought my first Apple Mac.  I had never had a strong desire to own a Mac since I had only ever used a Windows based PC or Laptop, but TruEmbroidery has just been released in Australia, and I need to be able to use it to support my customers.
So off I went to the Apple shop in Doncaster, we'd visited there a few times checking things out since we knew that TruEmbroidery was coming since October last year.  Tuesday was the real thing day, and so we went ready to buy.  I never expected to receive the care and attention that we did, and came home not only with a Mac, but a Mac ready to go, and an appointment with a trainer for a one-on-one session on Friday.  Needless to say my first task when coming home was to install TruEmbroidery and then to try to get my head around the new way of using a computer.  The Apple is lovely to use.  So hassle free.

On Friday night I went back and sorted out my email accounts.  Jim had always done this for me so I've never set up a mail box before.  In no time at all I had two mail boxes set up, leaving me one to do for homework.  I was shocked to discover a few days later that my calendar had filled itself in with dates that were on my Android phone.  I've now looked into this and am very excited about how the calendars can be shared between my smart phone, Apple and PC.  Amazing.
I've gotten my head around TruEmbroidery too, and I think I love it.  It is more streamlined than 5D, and have taken some annoying tasks out of digitising.  I am digitising a cushion cover at the moment, which is a challenge project that I have set my advanced students.
They all started with a picture I made using Kaleidoscope 3 (we are an authorised reseller of this fun program), and they can edit it as they wish.
Other rules of the challenge are that the design must have 3 colour changes, and include two of the following techniques:
Thread Velvet
Cross Stitch
Shadow Applique.
We have given ourselves 1 term to finish this project, and students will be using either 5D Embroidery (Design Creator) or TruEmbroidery for Mac.
If you'd like to join in the challenge let me know.

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