Thursday 4 October 2012

Back from the Australiasian Machine Quilters Festival

It is a beautiful spring day, the kind that gives you energy and makes you glad to be alive. In our backyard we have a Kowhai tree, which is bursting with golden colour.

I was only home a day before I left again, this time to attend the biannual AMQF in Adelaide.

I love the city of Adelaide, it is much smaller than Melbourne, but has a lovely lot of old architecture that has survived from the early colonial days.  It is relatively flat in the city centre, and quite easy to get around, even for me on a walking stick.  The convention centre is located near to the train station and casino, and on the banks of a beautiful river.  Unfortunately there wasn't much time for sightseeing on this trip, which was really all about learning as much as possible in the four days of the festival.

Travelling with Cathy from the shop, we arrived on a beautiful warm spring day, and settled into our hotel.  The next day was Day 1, and a fantastic day long session with Ricky Tims.  He presented a wonderful class. Unfortunately I had to leave at lunch because with no reserved disabled seating I had been forced to climb up some unbelievable stairs, and that had triggered unbelievable pain. However I did get to see and hear about some of Ricky's techniques.  Cathy also found the steep stairs challenging and left after the afternoon tea break.

Thankfully the rest of the festival was held in meeting rooms, with no stairs, or lift access.  By far the class I enjoyed the most was with Sherry Rogers-Harrison, who was lecturing on her Inklique method.  I was so inspired!   My head was so full of ideas that I found it difficult to sleep that night.  Her samples were so inspiring.  I am so looking forward to adapting the technique and incorporating some digitizing into it.  More on that when I actually get through all the administration paperwork that is stacked high on my kitchen table, which doubles as my office.

I also had the privellaged to attend Susan Smith's classes on using Art and Stitch software.  It was terrific to learn the software that goes with Pro Stitcher, a system we sell at the shop.

Cathy spent her days "stalking" Myrna Ficken, who must have inspired her because her sketch journal was bursting with quilting design ideas!

So now I'm home, and once I am back ontop of the paperwork I look forward to getting on with some more samples and sewing.  Needless to say one of my first "new" projects will include the Inklique method!

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